Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wow, It's been a while....

Sorry, It has been a long time since I updated this. Things are going pretty well. P and I are still together, yea! I haven't driven her crazy yet. The kids are doing good. The dogs are tearing up the back yard and my ex is still dragging out the negotiations of the seperation agreement. We are going to go to a mediator to try and speed things along. Work is busier than ever. We finally have all the stuff moved out of Pam's apartment...... It just goes on an on. We have been very busy. I think P is the only one even missed my little slice of the internet when I wasn't updating it. A, if you are out there, I am not 42 and you are now sleeping in the dog house when you come. :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Family Introductions

So this is it.....P finally gets to meet my family. She and the Girls are going with me and the boys to my parents for the weekend and will have Thanksgiving dinner with my entire immediate family. I hope it everything she has been hoping for in a family get together. I know my family will like her. I hope she like them. It seems like the boys are really starting to warm up to P. They have always liked her but I think they are settling into the idea of having her around in a Mommy role.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I have one question.

I only have one question.... Isn't she beautiful? She was so scared this weekend, we went to visit her family and she was very worried that they would scare me off. Well.... She did a real good job of describing them and so I was well prepared. They are a unique group of people and there may be some chalanges in the future but she is worth it and together we can handle it. I love you P.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A new beginning...

Well... A new day dawns on this great country of ours. We have been beat and battered, lied to and decieved over the past 8 years. I have great hope for what Obama can do for our country. Now lets see if he can live up to all or even part of what he has promised us. We took a chance and made a leap of faith in a relative newcommer to the political arena. Is this the change we all want so bad? Will he be able to do it? I THINK he can, but it is yet to be seen if he really can. Good luck Mr. President Elect. Good luck USA. May the Stars and Stripes once again wave proudly and be a symbol of all that is good and right in this world. May she shed all the dirt and senseless blood that has soiled her good name over the past 8 years. May she once again be a symbol of truth and justice, temperance and strength, pride and humility. May she no longer be the stick that a wannabe dictator uses to beat down all who oppose him. May she be a symbol for ALL Americans not just the select few. I am a proud American, but I am prouder now of my country than I have been in a long time. We had the guts to make a change, a big change. We had the guts to set aside our old racial issues and elect a member of a minority to the most powerfull position in our government. I am proud to be an American. (start Lee Greenwood song here)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be afraid, be very afraid.....

So my ex, ME, and my girlfriend, P, are driving each other nuts. Gee, that's a shocker, huh? I have been trying to be the middle man/moderator but it has not seemd to help. Gee, that's a shocker too, huh? Well, we have finally settled on letting them talk to each other directly to see if they can find a way to get along. I hope they can, ME and I have kids together so we have to deal with each other but P make me so happy that I am not willing to lose her. I hope this goes well.......

Monday, October 20, 2008

Akron Halloween Rant.....

Who ever heard of Trick-or-Treating a week early! Akron is having trick-or-treating on 10/25. Come on! Halloween actually falls on a Friday this year, the perfect time to have trick-or-treating. What was the city council thinking? Are they that afraid of Halloween? Halloween was one of my favorite holidays as a kid. You got to dress up in some scary costume and pretend to scare your friends and get lots of candy. And yes, you did this on the actual night (after dark), gasp, of Halloween. The fact that you did it after dark and on Halloween added to the fun and made it just a little bit scary. That was the fun of it! People these days think they have to tame everything down because the kids can't handle it or because it isn't safe. Well let me tell you something. The kids can handle it if parents would treat them like kids instead of babies. And it would be safe for them if the parents would do their jobs as parents and get of their lazy butts and walk along with their kids. OMG! Heaven forbid, I should actually put down my beer, get up from in front of the TV, get a little exercise and SPEND SOME TIME WITH MY KIDS! But no, we just dress them up and send them on their way a week early so we can watch reruns of our favorite shows and suck all the fun out of the experience for our kids! But hay, at least it is nice and safe and doesn't fall on the actual day of that horrible holiday!

GGGRRRRRRRR - I am so mad!

Ok, I am done venting now.

Have a great day.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Moving Weekend

Well... I'm tired! We got a lot done though. You see, I helped P (Pam) move furniture from her old house to her new apartment this weekend. Everything went real well, two of P's good friends A and J came over to help. Their daughter was adorable. I plan on helping P get a few more things moved this coming weekend. Which, by the way, will be the first time my boys will get to go down to her place. It is really nice, we (all 6 of us) are starting to be able to do more stuff together now. We are going down for the weekend and then coming back up on Saturday for the Cub Scout Pack meeting and Haunted Hayride. Then back down to move some more stuff on Sunday.

Work is going pretty good. I have been doing a security certificate audit. Making sure we are tracking all of our web server certs. So far so good. Work/planning for the new building keeps increasing.

Fun..... Well, there is all the time I am getting to spend with P, that is always fun! We have the Haunted Hayride coming up and a Cub scout camping trip in two weeks. I had better get started planning!