Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Be afraid, be very afraid.....

So my ex, ME, and my girlfriend, P, are driving each other nuts. Gee, that's a shocker, huh? I have been trying to be the middle man/moderator but it has not seemd to help. Gee, that's a shocker too, huh? Well, we have finally settled on letting them talk to each other directly to see if they can find a way to get along. I hope they can, ME and I have kids together so we have to deal with each other but P make me so happy that I am not willing to lose her. I hope this goes well.......


Julie said...

Do you ever watch "Reba" on TV?

Matt Schul said...

Nope, never have. I hear its a good show though.

Pam said...

LOL! That's too funny. I made the same comparison, but then I realized that that would make me Barbara Jean!